12 Buzzwords in BI today

Like all areas of life, the world of business intelligence is filled with its own trends and buzzwords. We take a look at 12 of the biggest of 2016: Big Data This seems to be the major buzzword in BI over the past few years, referring to the large volume, variety and speed of data gathered to reach such a point that simply comprehending the sheer amount of available data becomes a challenge to the user. Data-centric industries such as telecommunications have had large sets of data for many years, predating this buzzword, and lead the field in terms of Big Data assembly and analysis. Cloud BI Like all cloud-based software, Cloud BI allows users to access their data from...

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10 Ways Smart Business Owners Use Dashboards

Data is all around us and has become a key asset in business over the past few years, but it’s more than just a buzzword. It can help business owners and managers to track progress, engagement and profitability, along with our activities and how to grow or improve key areas. Logging into a multitude of data platforms can be time-consuming and confusing, which is where dashboards such as Viur come in. They aggregate your data and present it in an easy-to-understand form, taking away the guesswork of how your business is performing in the areas you want to analyze. Here a few ways to get the best use out of your dashboard.   1. Monitor your business with real-time...

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Introducing Dashboard filters

This week we introduced a new feature that will revolutionize the way you use your dashboard. With the dashboard filters, you can change the data that is used across a dashboard, filtering it for a particular value or date range. You will be able to change the time interval but also drill down to narrow the scope of your data with just a flick of a switch. Check out how easy it is to create and use filters in these two short videos: Creating a Date Range filter Creating a text filter from an SQL query Viur is easy Business Intelligence....

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